
Using this Document
RPM Install
Building and Installing From Source Code
DRCM Auth Tokens
Building CM Configuration Files
Testing CM Configuration Files
CM Node Hostname and IP Settings
CM Global Configuration Settings
Setting Up Global Cluster Resources
Linking Global Cluster Resources to Nodes
Floating IP Address Interface Configuration
Running the DRCM Server
DRCM Resource Scripts
Running Applications
Cluster Monitor and Reports
2-way file replication
Setting up cluster alerts
Transition from heartbeat to DRCM
Remaining Work on This Project
Support and Bug Tracking


The DataReel cluster manager (DRCM) software is used to build high availability Linux server clusters. High availability clusters manage system resources with automatic fail over in event of one or more server failures.

The DRCM project was designed to support multiple cluster nodes in a non-hierarchical arrangement. Cluster resources are distributed between the nodes with backup rolls assigned. The DRCM project requirements were based on the need to replace existing cluster software with multiple dependency issues and cluster software that did not scale well more than 2 cluster nodes.

A Linux server cluster is typically 2 servers with equal capacity, where one server provides primary services and the other server provides backup services. In the event of a primary server failure the secondary server automatically assumes all cluster resources. In data centers utilizing virtualization technology, services are distributed between many virtual machines (VMs). In a VM environment clustering multiple VM nodes running on multiple bare metal servers is a very effective way to manage services in the event of a bare metal server failure.

The DRCM multiple node concept can scale between nodes in one or more data centers in the same or different geographical locations.

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 Using this Document

  • All commands prefixed with the $ prompt indicate the command is executed from a user account or from a service account.
  • All commands prefixed with the # prompt indicate the command is executed as root.
  • In a configuration file example a ... symbol indicates omitted content for brevity.

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DRCM resources consist of crontabs, floating IP addresses, services, applications, and file systems. When you plan your cluster setup, consider the following:

  • Number of nodes per cluster
  • Assigning crons based on CPU, memory, disk space and bandwidth requirements
  • Floating IP address requirements, where a service is accessed via one IP address
  • System services: http, mysql, postgresql, etc. Which node(s) needs to run services
  • File systems: NFS, cifs, etc. Which node(s) require file system mounts
  • Applications: Programs not part of the OS with user programs and scripting
  • SSH keys: keyed authentication for file synchronization and automation

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 RPM Install

Latest pre-built RPMs are available for download:

sha256sum: 0272d145dc18a0c1a42db7be7c1a3fe80389a7f5fbec341085df058ad6db4531

sha256sum: 31a3fc633c0bdb3511f2b7d4a956a3b51b8c5d3f341e95266cfffebbf095ed2a

sha256sum: 8bc4f7230937806cd799577840d7f10fdef0d594b94061bc273360376ec5a4bf

sha256sum: b67a2ed72bf69279bd7cd71c64d85dffeb5d9a95164381ca98385d166885ef6a

Follow the instructions below to build an RPM for distribution from the latest source code:

$ cd $HOME; mkdir -pv git; cd $HOME/git
$ git clone
$ cd ${HOME}/git/ha-cluster-manager/rpm_builder
$ ./
$ sudo su root -c "yum -y install ${HOME}/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/drcm_server-1.40-1.el9.x86_64.x86_64.rpm"
$ ./
$ sudo su root -c "yum -y install ${HOME}/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/drcm_server-1.40-1.el8.x86_64.x86_64.rpm"
$ ./
$ sudo su root -c "yum -y install ${HOME}/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/drcm_server-1.40-1.el7.x86_64.x86_64.rpm"
$ ./
$ sudo su root -c "yum -y install ${HOME}/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/drcm_server-1.40-1.el6.x86_64.x86_64.rpm"
Useful RPM command to verify package contents:

List package: rpm -qf /usr/sbin/drcm_server
List files: rpm -ql drcm_server
List configs: rpm -qc drcm_server
List docs: rpm -qd drcm_server

To remove package:
$ sudo su root -c 'yum -y remove drcm_server'

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 Building and Installing From Source Code

Developers and system admins, follow the instructions below to build and install the DRCM server from the latest source code distro:

$ ssh username@cmnode1
$ mkdir -pv ~/git
$ cd ~/git
$ git clone
$ cd ~/git/ha-cluster-manager/env
$ source
$ cd ~/git/ha-cluster-manager/drcm_server
$ make
$ sudo su root -c 'make install_root'
The default configuration directory is: /etc/drcm

NOTE: All nodes in the same cluster must have identical "/etc/drcm" directories. It's recommended to design your initial configuration on a node you designate as a cluster entry point. Then push all "/etc/drcm" updates to all the nodes in the cluster.

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 DRCM Auth Tokens

All nodes in a cluster must have the same auth tokens. To generate auth tokens for the first time or to replace existing tokens:

# mkdir -pv /etc/drcm/.auth
# chmod 700 /etc/drcm/.auth
# dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1024 count=2 > /etc/drcm/.auth/authkey
# sha1sum /etc/drcm/.auth/authkey | cut -b1-40 > /etc/drcm/.auth/authkey.sha1
# chmod 600 /etc/drcm/.auth/authkey /etc/drcm/.auth/authkey.sha1

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 Building CM Configuration Files

The default CM configuration is: /etc/drcm/cm.cfg
To build a CM configuration template run the following command:

# /usr/sbin/drcm_server --check-config
To build a CM configuration template in another location:
# /usr/sbin/drcm_server --config-file=/tmp/test1.cfg --check-config

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 Testing CM Configuration Files

After editing the CM configuration file you must check your CM configuration files for errors before starting the DRCM server:

# /usr/sbin/drcm_server --check-config | grep -i -E 'error|warn|fail|info'
If you have any errors or warnings, review and edit your configuration file:
# /usr/sbin/drcm_server --check-config 

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 CM Node Hostname and IP Settings

After generating the cluster configuration file you must edit the file and set up your global cluster configuration and node configuration. For nodes you include in a cluster you must have the following information for each node:

Fully qualified hostname matching: uname -n
IP address used for cluster keep alive and CM message handling.

# vi /etc/drcm/cm.cfg

nodename = cmnode1  # This can be any name you will recognize this node as
hostname = # uname -n
keep_alive_ip =   

nodename = cmnode2
hostname =
keep_alive_ip =

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 CM Global Configuration Settings

The CM_SERVER configuration setting sets values used by the DRCM service and all cluster nodes. Before starting the DRCM service, set the CM port number and host-based firewall rules:

# Global cluser configuration
udpport = 53897
tcpport = 53897
bind_to_keep_alive_ip = 1
By default the DRCM server will only listen for cluster messages on each node's keep alive IP address. To listen on all interfaces change the bind_to_keep_alive_ip setting to 0.

Each cluster node must have host-based firewall rules allowing the DRCM server access to the TCP and UDP ports set in CM global configuration:


# iptables -A CLUSTERMANAGER -p UDP --dport 53897 -s -j ACCEPT 
# iptables -A CLUSTERMANAGER -p UDP --dport 53897 -s -j ACCEPT 
# iptables -A CLUSTERMANAGER -p TCP --dport 53897 -s -j ACCEPT 
# iptables -A CLUSTERMANAGER -p TCP --dport 53897 -s -j ACCEPT 

Review your current zones:

# firewall-cmd --list-all
If you have zones setup use --zone to apply to the zone with cluster interface:

# firewall-cmd --add-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" source address="" port port="53897" protocol="udp" accept' --permanent
# firewall-cmd --add-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" source address="" port port="53897" protocol="udp" accept' --permanent
# firewall-cmd --add-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" source address="" port port="53897" protocol="tcp" accept' --permanent
# firewall-cmd --add-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" source address="" port port="53897" protocol="tcp" accept' --permanent
# firewall-cmd --reload
In the host-based firewall you must all ping and SSH between the cluster nodes. To allow ping in firewalld:

# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-icmp-block-inversion
# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-icmp-block=echo-reply
# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-icmp-block=echo-request
# firewall-cmd --reload
To allow SSH in firewalld for cluster node IPs:

# firewall-cmd --add-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" source address="" service name="ssh" accept' --permanent
# firewall-cmd --add-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" source address="" service name="ssh" accept' --permanent
# firewall-cmd --reload

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 Setting Up Global Cluster Resources

You can download the latest cluster resource scripts from the source code REPO:

All nodes in a cluster has the ability to run a global cluster resource as a primary function or as a backup function. DRCM has 5 global resource categories:

CM_CRONTABS: crons to run on a node with fail over to secondary nodes CM_IPADDRS: floating IP addresses to run on a node with fail over to secondary nodes CM_SERVICES: System services to run on all nodes or single nodes CM_APPLICATIONS: Applications to run on all nodes or single nodes CM_FILESYSTEMS: File system to mount on all nodes or single nodes

Under each resource section you must provide a CSV list for each entry. All resources subsections start with a nickname. A nickname can be any unique name you will recognize the resource as. Nicknames are used by the cluster nodes to identify the global resource.

# CSV format: nickname, template_file, install_location, resource_script
system, /etc/drcm/crontabs/system_crons, /etc/cron.d, /etc/drcm/resources/
user, /etc/drcm/crontabs/user_crons, /etc/cron.d, /etc/drcm/resources/
apps1, /etc/drcm/crontabs/apps_package1, /etc/cron.d, /etc/drcm/resources/
apps2, /etc/drcm/crontabs/apps_package2, /etc/cron.d, /etc/drcm/resources/

# CSV format: nickname, Floating IP, netmask, Ethernet interface, ip takeover script
cmnodef,,, eth0:1, /etc/drcm/resources/

# CSV format: nickname, service_name, resource_script
web, httpd, /etc/drcm/resources/

# CSV format: nickname, user:group, start_program, stop_program
# CSV format: nickname, user:group, start_program, stop_program, ensure_script
ldm, ldm:users, ~/util/, ldmadmin stop, ~/util/

# CSV format: nickname, source, target, resource_script
data,, /data, /etc/drcm/resources/
archive,, /archive, /etc/drcm/resources/
webshare, /, /home/users/web, /etc/drcm/resources/

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 Linking Global Cluster Resources to Nodes

The global cluster resource for a node is set in each CM_NODE section. Below is a 2 node cluster example of multiple crontabs with primary and secondary rolls. A single floating IP address for cluster users to access this cluster. In this example system services, file systems, and applications will be ran on both nodes.

nodename = cmnode1
node_crontabs = user,system,apps1
node_backup_crontabs = cmnode2:apps2
node_floating_ip_addrs = cmnodef
node_services = web
node_filesystems = data,arhive,webshare
node_applications = ldm

nodename = cmnode2
node_crontabs = apps2
node_backup_crontabs = cmnode1:user,cmnode1:system
node_backup_floating_ip_addrs = cmnode1:cmnodef
node_services = web
node_filesystems = data,arhive,webshare
node_applications = ldm

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 Floating IP Address Interface Configuration

Floating IP Address Interface Configuration for RHEL 6 and RHEL 7

If your cluster has one or more floating IP addresses you must configure a sub-interface for each floating IP. A floating IP address is set in the global resource configuration CM_IPADDRS section, for example:
cmnodef,,, eth0:1, /etc/drcm/resources/
In the example above, we need to setup a sub-interface for eth0:
# cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
# vi ifcfg-eth0:1

Save changes and exit VI.

IPADDR and PREFIX or NETMASK will be set by the DRCM server when the node resource is activated.

# ifup eth0:1

Floating IP Address Interface Configuration for RHEL 8

For RHEL 8 the following method has been tested to fix the sub-interface issue with the legacy network-scripts and network manager.

On all cluster nodes install the network-scripts:

# yum -y install network-scripts 
# systemctl enable network
# reboot
On all your cluster nodes setup all the ifcfg-name file using sub-interfaces as follows, for example on a VMWARE VM with 1 interface:

# export ETHINT=ens192
# mkdir -p /root/backups
# cp -av /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-${ETHINT} /root/backups/ifcfg-${ETHINT}
# vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-${ETHINT}

NAME="System ens192"
## UUID= (This will be your devices UUID for this host)

# Use the subinterace if this is the primary server
Save changes and test the config:

# systemctl restart network
Once all your cluster node have the the interface files with the sub-interface setup run the following DRCM resource script:

# export ETHINT=ens192
# cp /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-${ETHINT} /etc/drcm/my_cluster_conf/$(hostname -s)_start_backup_ip_${ETHINT}
# cp /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-${ETHINT} /etc/drcm/my_cluster_conf/$(hostname -s)_stop_backup_ip_${ETHINT}
On the primary cluster node SFTP to the backup nodes and copy the template files you created on the backup nodes:

# cd /etc/drcm/my_cluster_conf
# sftp
sftp> cd /etc/drcm/my_cluster_conf
sftp> mget *_backup_ip_*
sftp> exit
Edit all the *_start_backup_ip_* templates change uncomment the sub-interface IP:

# Use the subinterace if this is the primary server
So all the start templates have the sub-interface IP enable and all the stop templates have the sub-interface commented out.

Setup your cluster config to use the IPv4 copy config resource file:

# vi /etc/drcm/cm.cfg

cmnodef,,, ens192, /etc/drcm/resources/
NOTE: If you are clustering VM and bare metal server use the following syntax:

cmnodef,,, 'ens192|eno8303', /etc/drcm/resources/
On the primary cluster node copy the /etc/drcm directory to all the backup nodes:

# rsync -av --force --stats --progress -n /etc/drcm
Verify the rsync output from the dry run looks correct and re-run with out the dry run option:

# rsync -av --force --stats --progress /etc/drcm
On each cluster node test the floating IP:

# /etc/drcm/resources/ ens192 start
# ip a
You should see the floating IP as the primary interface and should be able SSH to the floating IP from another node. Once verified stop the sub-interface:

# /etc/drcm/resources/ ens192 stop
Repeat this test on all the cluster nodes.

Floating IP Address Interface Configuration for RHEL 9

In RHEL 9 the legacy network-scripts are no longer available and you must use the NetworkManager to manage the network interfaces.

For the NMCLI 2 resource scripts have been added:


The resource script is for simple configuration where we will only be creating a single sub-interface and the sub-interface does not need to be the primary interface.

The resource script is for complex configurations where you manually edit the network manager config file creating a start and stop interface file.

Both resource scripts assume the NMCLI connection name and the device name are the same. Network manager connection commands update the connection profile on disk but do not apply the configuration to the interface. The network manager device commands read the connection profile from disk and apply the change to the interface. The NMCLI resource script uses both connection and device commands which is why the connection name and the device name must be the same.

To use the for simple configurations setup your cluster config to use the IPv4 nmcli config resource file:

# vi /etc/drcm/cm.cfg

cmnodef,, 24, ens192, /etc/drcm/resources/

NOTE: If you are clustering VM and bare metal server use the following syntax:

cmnodef,,, 'ens192|eno8303', /etc/drcm/resources/
On the primary cluster node copy the /etc/drcm directory to all the backup nodes:

# rsync -av --force --stats --progress -n /etc/drcm
Verify the rsync output from the dry run looks correct and re-run without the dry run option:

# rsync -av --force --stats --progress /etc/drcm
To use the for complex configurations you must set up template files on all your cluster nodes. For example on a VMWARE VM with 1 interface:

# export ETHINT=ens192
# mkdir -p /root/backups
# cp -av /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/${ETHINT}.nmconnection /root/backups/${ETHINT}.nmconnection
On the primary node create a start and stop template:

# cp -av /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/${ETHINT}.nmconnection /etc/drcm/my_cluster_conf/$(hostname -s)_start_backup_ip_${ETHINT}

# cp -av /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/${ETHINT}.nmconnection /etc/drcm/my_cluster_conf/$(hostname -s)_stop_backup_ip_${ETHINT}
The stop template is for cluster node when it is not the primary holding the floating IP so it does need to be edited.

The start template must be edited to add the floating IP as the primary interface:

# vi /etc/drcm/my_cluster_conf/$(hostname -s)_start_backup_ip_${ETHINT}

uuid=(This will be your devices UUID for this host)




Save changes exit VI.

Log into the secondary node and create the start and stop interfaces. To create the interface templates on the backup node run the following commands as root:

# export ETHINT=ens192
# mkdir -p /root/backups
# cp -av /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/${ETHINT}.nmconnection /root/backups/${ETHINT}.nmconnection
# cp -av /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/${ETHINT}.nmconnection /etc/drcm/my_cluster_conf/$(hostname -s)_start_backup_ip_${ETHINT}
# cp -av /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/${ETHINT}.nmconnection /etc/drcm/my_cluster_conf/$(hostname -s)_stop_backup_ip_${ETHINT}

# vi /etc/drcm/my_cluster_conf/$(hostname -s)_start_backup_ip_${ETHINT}

uuid=(This will be your devices UUID for this host)




Save changes exit VI. Log out the backup node and log back into the primary node. On the primary cluster node SFTP to the backup nodes and copy the template files you created on the backup nodes:

# cd /etc/drcm/my_cluster_conf
# sftp
sftp> cd /etc/drcm/my_cluster_conf
sftp> mget *_backup_ip_*
sftp> exit
Setup your cluster config to use the IPv4 copy config resource file:

# vi /etc/drcm/cm.cfg

cmnodef,, 24, ens192, /etc/drcm/resources/

NOTE: If you are clustering VM and bare metal server use the following syntax:

cmnodef,,, 'ens192|eno8303', /etc/drcm/resources/
On the primary cluster node copy the /etc/drcm directory to all the backup nodes:

# rsync -av --force --stats --progress -n /etc/drcm
Verify the rsync output from the dry run looks correct and re-run without the dry run option:

# rsync -av --force --stats --progress /etc/drcm
On each cluster node test the floating IP:

# /etc/drcm/resources/ ens192 start
# ip a
You should see the floating IP as the primary interface and should be able SSH to the floating IP from another node. Once verified stop the sub-interface:

# /etc/drcm/resources/ ens192 stop
Repeat this test on all the cluster nodes.

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 Running the DRCM Server

After setting up your cluster configuration and mirroring the "/etc/drcm" directory to all nodes in the cluster, start the DRCM server on each node.


# systemctl start drcm_server
# systemctl status drcm_server
# service drcm_server start
# service drcm_server status
View the cluster status monitor:
# drcm_server --client --command=cm_stat
View the cluster logs:
# tail -f /var/drcm/drcm.log
To test resource fail over:
# systemctl stop drcm_server
# drcm_server --client --command=cm_stat
To test resource fail back:
# systemctl start drcm_server
# drcm_server --client --command=cm_stat
After testing make the DRCM service persistent:

# systemctl enable drcm_server
# chkconfig drcm_server on

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 DRCM Resource Scripts

The default DRCM resource script location is: /etc/drcm/resources

The default installation includes system resource script to manage crontabs, floating IP addresses, system services, NFS and CIFS files systems. The NFS and CIFS file system resource script will check for stale mounts and automatically remount if a mount is stale.

Which resource scripts used is set in the global resource configuration. Cluster administrators can use custom resource scripts, provided custom scripts accept the same input arguments as the resource scripts included in the distribution.

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 Running Applications

Applications refer to programs that are not part of the operating system (OS) or integrated into the OS framework. Managing user applications in a cluster can be difficult. The DRCM server does not manage user applications from resource scripts. This allows flexibility to run applications from a user or service account and use programs and scripting unique to each application. Applications are defined in the global CM_APPLICATIONS section:

There are 2 formats to define a user application:
# CSV format: nickname, user:group, start_program, stop_program
# CSV format: nickname, user:group, start_program, stop_program, ensure_script
The user and group must be set to the username that will run the application and the group associated with application.

The start_program is the program used to start the application, with or without input arguments. This can be multiple entries separated by semicolons ;

The stop_program is the program used to start the application, with or without input arguments. This can be multiple entries separated by semicolons ;

The ensure_script is a script or program that checks to ensure the application is running. If an ensure script is provided the DRCM server will use the "ensure_script" to watch the application.

NOTE: The user environment will be sourced so you do not have to use absolute paths to programs if the program path is defined in the user environment.

Some examples:
ldm, ldm:users, ldmadmin start, ldmadmin stop

ldm, ldm:users, ldmadmin clean; ldmadmin mkqueue; ldmadmin start, ldmadmin stop; ldmadmin delqueue

ldm, ldm:users, ldmadmin start, ldmadmin stop, if [ -f ~/util/ ]; then ~/util/; fi

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 Cluster Monitor and Reports

DRCM provides a formatted reporting tool and raw stats you can use to build custom reports. To view the detailed cluster report, from any cluster node:

/usr/sbin/drcm_server --client --command=cm_stat
To create custom reports use the rstats command from any cluster node, for example:
for CMNODE in cmnode1 cmnode2 cmnode3 cmnode4
> do
> echo $CMNODE
> /usr/sbin/drcm_server --client --command=rstats | sed -n "/$CMNODE/,/$CMNODE/p" | grep -v $CMNODE
> echo ""
> done

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 2-way file replication

The DRCM distribution includes several utilities to synchronize file systems between a primary and secondary cluster node. This is typically used when a primary node is acting as a NFS server for other servers and/or workstations. Or for primary nodes replicating database directories to a cold spare.

NOTE: File replication requires public SSH key authentication for the backup user account that will run the replication scripts from the user's crontab. NOTE: If you are using "root" to run system backups you can limit access to key SSH authentication to run specific commands. Typically the back user is a special user account used just for running file system backups.

NOTE: Your backup user must have read/write access to the following directory:

Following the DRCM installation, the file system utilities are located in the following directory:
To configure a designated primary node and a designated backup node you must set you node configuration in the following file:
In the "" file set the following variables:
# Set a simple cluster name, any name you will recognize
# this cluster as, no spaces.

# Set IP or hostname of online storage server for shared backups
# This is only need if you plan to backup the NFS or database 
# directories to a backup storage severs.

# Set the destination directory on the storage server

# Set the user name that runs you backups.
# NOTE: This user name must have keyed SSH authentication access
# NOTE: to the cluster nodes and backup storage server
export BACKUP_USER="root"

# Set the following for 2-way file system replication
# IP address and Ethernet Interface of the cluster node with primary
# file systems. File systems on this node will be replicated to the
# backup file system in the event of a fail over to the backup node.
# IP address and Ethernet Interface of the backup for this cluster node,
# where the primary file systems are mirrored too. When the primary
# node is down this node will host the file systems.

# Allow RSYNC on a diffent IP/Interface if high bandwidth required to sync file systems
# These settings are used to move high bandwidth consumption to another Ethernet interface 
# and/or network.                                                         
Once you setup your configuration, edit the following file to run a test between the primary and backup node. As the backup user on the primary node:
$ vi /etc/drcm/my_cluster_conf/

RsyncMirror /testfs
NOTE: Mirroring replicates an exact copy of the /testfs file system. This means files will be copied and deleted as new files are added or removed. If you want to keep copies of files removed on the backup system use the following line
RsyncCopy /testfs
NOTE: Prior to testing you must create the /testfs directory on both cluster nodes and make sure your backup user has read/write access to the /testfs directory.

Make sure to copy all changes in the /etc/drcm directory to the backup node before you do any testing. To test, as the backup user on the primary node, execute the following script:
$ /etc/drcm/file_system_sync/
This will replicate the contents of the /testfs directory to the backup node. As the backup user on the backup node, execute the same script:
$ /etc/drcm/file_system_sync/
You should see the following output on the backup node:

Checking to see if failback sync flag exists We have no sync flag for testfs files No file sync to primary cluster node will be performed

If the primary node is down the backup node will update the /testfs directory until the primary node is back online. Once the primary node is back online, all files on the backup will be replicated back to the primary node. Once the back node has finished replication, the primary node replicates to the back node. To test a primary to backup fail over and fail back, execute the following script on the primary node, as root or an admin account with sudo rights:
# /etc/drcm/utils/
To fail back, start the drcm_server on the primary node.

After verifying 2-way file replication is work between the primary and backup node, add the following line to the backup users crontab. On the primary node as the backup user:
$ crontab -e

*/5 * * * *  /etc/drcm/file_system_sync/ > /dev/null 2>&1
On the backup node:
$ crontab -e

* * * * * /etc/drcm/file_system_sync/ > /dev/null 2>&1
This will replicate /testfs to the backup node every 5 minutes. The backup node will watch for primary node outages every minute. In the event of a fail back, the backup node will replicate /testfs back to primary within one minte.

The DRCM distribution includes pre-built file replication scripts you can add to the back user’s crontab:

On primary node:
*/5 * * * *  /etc/drcm/file_system_sync/ > /dev/null 2>&1
*/5 * * * *  /etc/drcm/file_system_sync/ > /dev/null 2>&1
*/6 * * * *  /etc/drcm/file_system_sync/ > /dev/null 2>&1
*/7 * * * *  /etc/drcm/file_system_sync/ > /dev/null 2>&1
*/8 * * * *  /etc/drcm/file_system_sync/ > /dev/null 2>&1
*/11 * * * * /etc/drcm/file_system_sync/ > /dev/null 2>&1
On backup node:
* * * * * /etc/drcm/file_system_sync/ > /dev/null 2>&1
* * * * * /etc/drcm/file_system_sync/ > /dev/null 2>&1
* * * * * /etc/drcm/file_system_sync/ > /dev/null 2>&1
* * * * * /etc/drcm/file_system_sync/ > /dev/null 2>&1
* * * * * /etc/drcm/file_system_sync/ > /dev/null 2>&1
* * * * * /etc/drcm/file_system_sync/ > /dev/null 2>&1
All the configuration files will be autogened in the following:
NOTE: Your backup user must have write access to the "my_cluster_conf" directory.

Edit the "/etc/drcm/my_cluster_conf/*" config files to setup the specific directories to be replicated.

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 Setting up cluster alerts

To setup an hourly cluster monitor with email and/or text message alerts, add the following line to root’s crontab:

00 * * * * /etc/drcm/utils/ > /dev/null 2>&1
The script will automatically generate the following an alert list configuration file for you:
NOTE: If you run the script as another user, the user must have read access to the /etc/drcm/.auth directory and auth keys.

In your "" file set up the email accounts and/or SMS accounts:
# vi /etc/drcm/my_cluster_conf/

# Set your comma delimited alert lists here
export EMAILlist="root,"
export TEXTlist=""
NOTE: Each mobile carrier has a domain for sending an email as a text message, for example to send SMS messages to a Verizon number:
By default the DRCM alerts are limited to send messages every 4 hours, once an the first message is sent. This is done to avoid a flood email and/or text messages during periods of server outages or server maintenance.

If your clusters nodes do not have postfix mail configured, you need to determine which Linux server in your data center is setup to relay messages. To setup postfix mail to connect to relay host:
# vi /etc/postfix/

relayhost =
Restart the postfix service and watch the mail log:
# tail -f /var/log/maillog
To test the alerting function:
$ vi ~/ 


SUBJECT="[!ACTION!] Cluster Alert Test Message"
BODY="This is an cluster manager alert test message"
source /etc/drcm/utils/
send_alert "${SUBJECT}" "${BODY}"
Save file and exit VI.
$ chmod 755 ~/
$ ~/
NOTE: The DRCM alert functions can be use by other system admin functions by writing scripts similar to the above example.

If you do not have a Linux system setup up as a relay host, you can setup postfix on one cluster node as a smart host and allow other nodes to relay messages. For more information on setting up postfix mail as a smart host, search online for: "postfix smarthost setup"

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 Remaining Work on This Project

  • Long term, add TCP cluster protocol for WAN based clusters

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 Support and Bug Tracking

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